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Change on the Horizon


sometimes good, sometimes difficult - rarely uneventful, definitely a challenge!

I thought a good way to introduce you to my new blog would be to let you in on the newest change happening in my life.

Throughout this blog, I hope to chronicle my plunge into the world of photography as my primary income (whew! did I just say that out loud?).

I know part of that journey will include the "oops" moments and "do-overs". I also hope that part of the journey will include many stories of success!

Here's how this part of the story goes - my life is being conveniently interrupted by a combination of my age and my physical stamina (or apparent lack of such).

Maybe this is a mid-life crisis? I can only hope so!

I have spent many years (much younger years) in various forms of youth work/teaching. About five years ago, having left youth work, I decided to give freelancing and self-employment a shot. Some people call me an entrepreneur.... I call it necessity.

I decided to put myself out there offering a service for other people - something I love to do and knew that other people might not be in the position to do for themselves. I offered my services as a gardener - basic maintenance, weeding, planting, mulching...the simple stuff.

Sure enough, plenty of people jumped at the opportunity to hire me to pull their weeds, and they told their friends about me. It has been a very exciting and fruitful (no pun intended) five years!

And it has been a very exhausting five years! Which brings me to this new challenge and change. I have noticed, after every sweltering and humid Oklahoma summer, that my body is not bouncing back as quickly as it used to. Sparing you the gory details of all the constant and increasing aches and pains, suffice it to say I have been warned that if I don't stop the gardening every day, my body is going on strike.

I have taken heed! At the end of this year, I will officially quit my day-job as a gardener, and I hope to have plunged deep enough into the world of photographer-for-hire that I won't have to look for another career! This gives me a few months to really get moving and motivated.

Welcome to the blog - let the journey begin!

Tune in the next time for more of the story of what led me to PHOTOGRAPHY...

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